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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bulawayo News

On the morning of Wed 13th August a fire broke out in Ralstein House, the Salvation Army Home for the Elderly. Thankfully no-one was hurt or injured though furniture, clothing, personnel possessions and documents were lost in the fire as the front section of the home was destroyed. Most of the residents were moved to Enterprise House, the Salvation Army Youth Hostel though this is only a temporary situation, until further accommodation can be found while the state of Ralstein House is addressed in the longer term. The immediate needs of these residents are for FUNDS (to pay for electricity, water, groceries and medical needs); for! FOOD, CLEANING MATERIALS and PERSONAL TOILETRIES. In addition there i! s urgent need for WARM JACKETS, JERSEYS, SOX and SHOES, BEDDING and BEDS/MATRESSES. Finally, SUITCASES or CARDBOARD CARTONS for the residents to keep their possessions in until they have more permanent storage. All donations may be delivered to ENTERPRISE HOUSE, 12th Ave btwn S. Parirenyatwa and J.Tongogara Aves. The support and generosity of the Bulawayo community last week was astounding and heart warming; many, many thanks.


Hospice Bulawayo Aug 18 Dear friends of Hospice, Please take time to read our 2014 appeal. As a non-profit organization reliant on the generosity of corporates, public and service clubs our hospice has been hard hit by the financial crisis currently affecting the country. Donor support and fund raising projects have kept us afloat thus far but we currently only have sufficient reserves to meet one to two months expenditure. Cost cutting measures are still in force from last year. Our staff remains on reduced pay.

However our monthly expenditure is still in the region of US$8,500.00 per month. Our year on year monthly income and expenditure for 2013-2014 are available for perusal. Please email us should you require a copy. We have lined up a number of fundraising events for which we seek your support.

In September we will host our annual Ladies Tea, in October a Motor Show has been pencilled in, in November a Healthy food expo is planned as well as a Street Collection. We will also participate in the Whitestone School fete where we will have on sale a collection of valuable books and a small assortment of antiques. We will round off the year with our annual 'Light a Light for Hospice' carols by candlelight. If you are able to assist financially, please make bank transfers using the account details as follows: Account Name - Bulawayo Island Hospice Service Bank Name - NMB Bank Branch Name - Bulawayo Branch, Zimbabwe Branch Code 11311 Account Number -! 210227277 Swift Code NMBLZWHX Please contact us on email (   ) or phone (09-77972) should you deposit (cash or cheque) or transfer money directly into our bank account. This enables to quickly identify funds, receipt and acknowledge them. Donations in cash or kind can be made at our office - 2 George Silundika Street, Corner Masotsha Ndlovu Avenue, Bulawayo. Receipts are issued for every donation received. Our Administrator, Mrs Nomvelo Zaranyika is on hand should you have any queries or require any further information. Thank you for your continued support Mike Lander Chairman Management Committee Bulawayo Island Hospice Service T.E.A.M Together Each Achieves More!


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